Thank you for all of the prayers, well wishes, and offers of help. They are greatly appreciated and the prayers are helping! I was just with her and she was twitching her foot 🙂
Josh was off work and able to spend the day at the hospital. Here is his email…
Raena had an MRI today. It took a long time to transfer her from bed to gurney (and again to mri table). But during that time she moved or lifted each of her limbs. She did great while in the mri machine.
Results of mri show that there is no tumor. There are a couple of areas that have decreased in swelling although the surgical site still has swelling (which is to be expected). MRI did not show any large atrial ventricular malformation (AVM).
The next step is to do an angiogram which will hopefully show the specific area of the bleeding and the extent of whatever defect caused this to bleeding to happen. The doctor said that it will need to be fixed at some point.
Raena is lightly to moderately sedated at this point. She has shown some good signs today such as the moving of her limbs, her eyes have been reactive quickly to light, and although she is still on a ventilator, she has at times been breathing on her own, and is continually initiating her breaths. They want to start seeing more activity from her- all of these things she is hooked up to are not comfortable and they would like for her to start behaving like a 10 year old and not be thrilled to be hooked up to so much stuff.